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Slim Bolt on Neck Construction Course

Most Guitar Building Courses utilize the two-way truss rod building system to make their instruments, this is a wonderfully simple method that you can use to make electric guitars and basses. We have decided to offer this construction method as our fastest turnaround instrument construction course!

Slim Bolt on Neck Construction Course

Now this course is titled the Slim Bolt on Neck Construction Course, you are not limited to building a slim neck instrument on this course you can make a thicker neck instrument to one of the other neck profiles we have available. The truss rod can also be changed from a slim line truss rod to a dual bar system to fit within a thicker neck these are available with different adjustment systems so you will have a range of options available to you.​


This course is designed to be the fastest turn around course, what this means is that many of the processes will be machine led and jigged up for you so that you can get through the process as efficiently as possible whilst still producing the instrument you want to build.


Everything will be manually made, nothing will be coming off the our CNC for you to just sand up, all components you require will be made by you from fresh blanks of timber. Now it will be very difficult to recreate this process at home as the process is heavily reliant on prepared jigged up machines, if you are looking for a guitar building experience then this is the course for you, there will be a full range of shapes and body styles available to you!


If you are looking for a more in-depth course that teaches you multiple methods for making instruments by hand then please see our


True Vintage Construction Course as this may be more to your taste. The full machining of components will leave them in a rough form so do not worry there will be plenty of work to do, just the bulk of the work will be taken care of allowing you to move through the course as quickly as possible, the painting methods are also streamlined to help you get your finished instrument up and running as fast as possible, so we only allow satin finishes on this course unless you are willing to put extra time in at the end of your course to produce a high gloss finished instrument.


Upgraded tremolos this course does fit very well with the Floyd Rose tremolo system and equipping guitars with one is something we will be offering, please be aware that this is an upgrade to the course standard specifications and additional time will have to be invested into your instrument to allow you to do this. To make this course flow easily we have selected a standard tremolo system if you wish to upgrade to any other system please speak to us.


On this course, many of the components you will need will be provided pre-made and only require fitting into your instrument. This allows us to take you through the process as quickly as possible so that you can make an instrument for yourself to see if you like the process and want to expand your knowledge further.


Pickup choice is very open on this course as the pickups will be bought in for you, this allows you to specify the pickups you want to use, be it single coils humbuckers P90 ect or a mix of any of these, there is also a whole world of pickup variants available so if you have anything specific in mind then let us know. The course is set to a baseline of very good cost-effective pickups options to allow you to complete the course at a reasonable cost.


Stratocaster Guitar


Body: Alder

Neck: One Piece Maple



Hand wound

Either Enamelled or poly coated wire

Alnico 2 or 5



CTS Volume and Tone



Switch tip


Jack plate



Machine heads


Single string tree: staple type

Strap buttons and felts

Scratch plate black or white 3 ply



Polyurethane body and neck

Colours self mixed to standards or your own unique colour.

Solid translucent colours are available in primary colours or mix to create your own unique colour.


Logo Decal​

Your choice of text or logo


Two week course




Starting from £2000


Telecaster Guitar


Body: Alder or light weight ash

Neck: One Piece Maple



Hand wound

Either Enameled or poly coated wire

Alnico 2 or 5



CTS volume and Tone

Knobs: Chrome Knurled

Switch: 3 way oak

Switch Tip: Round Plastic

Control Plate: Chrome

Jack: Switch Craft

Jack Plate: Cup style



Machine heads


Single string tree: round type

Strap Buttons and felts

Scratch plate: 3ply Plastic white or black




Polyurethane body and neck

Colours self mixed to standards or your own unique colour.

Solid translucent colours are available in primary colours or mix to create your own unique colour.


Logo Decal

Your choice of text or logo


Two week course


Starting from £2000




Body: Alder

Neck one piece maple with rosewood figure board



Hand wound Jazzmaster pickups

Poly coated wire Alnico 5



CTS volume and Tone

Knobs: Top Hat

Switch: 3 way toggle switchcraft

Three electronic switches

Switch Tip: Round Plastic

Jack: Switch Craft



Japanes bridge tailpiece and tremolo arm with kluston or

gotoh machine heads

String Tree

Strap buttons and felts

Scratch plate 3 ply black or white



Polyurethane body and neck

Colours self mixed to standards or your own unique colour.

Solid translucent colours are available in primary colours or mix to create your own unique colour.


Logo Decal

Your choice of text or logo


Two week course


From around 2200

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

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